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Best Supplements to Help Control Vitamin D Deficiency

Worldwide, almost one billion people are suffering from vitamin D deficiency. According to a recently conducted research in Pakistan by selecting different cities randomly, it is evaluated that 53.5% of Pakistanis are suffering from vitamin D deficiency. Although we are blessed enough to have an ample amount of sunshine in our country which is a great natural source for the synthesis of vitamin D in the body, still there is a big number of vitamin D deficient in Pakistan. The most recent nutritional survey report, NNS-2018 of Pakistan, has also revealed that 79.7% of women of reproductive age and 62.7% of children under 5 years of age are facing vitamin D deficiency.

Best Supplements to Help Control Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin and an essential nutrient for our bones. The severe deficiency of vitamin D leads to, rickets; bowed legs in children due to weak bone structure, osteomalacia; the softness of bones, and osteoporosis; weak and easy to fracture bones.

Let’s get to know about the factors that can cause vitamin D deficiency!

What Are the Causes of Vitamin D Deficiencies?

Vitamin D deficiency can occur due to any of the following reasons: 

•    Less or no exposure to sunlight for at least 15-30 minutes daily, because sunlight exposure is an excellent source for the synthesis of vitamin D in the body  

•    Strictly following a vegan diet can cause vitamin D deficiency because vegetables are not a good source of vitamin D 

•    Inadequate intake of vitamin D-rich foods such as fish and fish liver oil, egg yolk, and vitamin D-fortified products can also be a reason for vitamin D deficiency  

•    Those who are suffering from magnesium deficiency can also suffer from vitamin D deficiency because magnesium is required for the formation of vitamin D, either from sunlight or food sources

•    Certain medical conditions like cystic fibrosis, Crohn's disease, and celiac disease can cause the deficiency of vitamin D because these conditions reduce the effectiveness of the intestine to adequately absorb certain nutrients like vitamin D 

How To Overcome Vitamin D Deficiency?

How To Overcome Vitamin D Deficiency

To overcome vitamin D deficiency, expose your skin to the sunlight for 15 minutes in the summer season and 30 minutes in the winter, or depending upon your skin sensitivity between 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM to get enough amount of vitamin D. Because sun exposure for half an hour can help your body to synthesize ample amount of vitamin D. Also, make sure to consume vitamin D and magnesium-rich foods such as fish and fish liver oil, eggs, nuts, seeds, and dry beans to get vitamin D and its cofactor, magnesium.   

But the prevailing deficiency rate of vitamin D is difficult to control with diet only. To overcome vitamin D deficiency, it is encouraged to consume the best food supplements of vitamin D and magnesium.

Which Are the Best Vitamin D Tablets Available in Pakistan?

Which Are the Best Vitamin D Tablets Available in Pakistan

Nutrifactor’s Bonex-D, Jointin-D, Nuflex, and Suncell 5000 are the best tablets of vitamin D that are available in Pakistan. They contain a good amount of vitamin D to help reduce its deficiency in the body.

Nutrifactor’s Magnesium 500 mg helps maintain normal muscle and nerve functions. It also helps improve the calcium and vitamin D balance in the body.

What Are the Benefits of Consuming Vitamin D Supplements?

What Are the Benefits of Consuming Vitamin D Supplements

They provide the following benefits to our body:

•    Increase the calcium absorption in bones 

•    Help improve the bone and joint strength

•    May help reduce the risk of softening of bones

•    Help reduce the risk of osteoporosis 

•    Help improve immunity

•    Help regulate the blood sugar levels in the body 

Consuming any of these vitamin D supplements can help provide a healthy amount of vitamin D and improve bone and joint health by stimulating the absorption of calcium and phosphorous in the bones.








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