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Top 5 Deficiency Symptoms of Vitamin D-Need for Supplements

Why Vitamin D is Important for Us?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is stored in different body tissues such as bones, joints, muscles, and fat tissues, and circulates in the blood vessels as well. It is the only vitamin our body makes on its own when our skin gets exposed to sunlight. However, we can also take this vitamin from food sources as well. Vitamin D is important for each of us to keep our connective tissues (bones & joints) healthy and strong so that we can enjoy the race of life with great strength.

But this is so unfortunate that globally, a lot of people are more deficient in vitamin D nowadays ever than before. There can be a lot of reasons for vitamin D deficiency. Some of them are listed below:    

•    Decreased dietary intake or absorption of vitamin D 

•    Less exposure to sunlight  

•    Any health condition such as improper functioning of liver or kidneys

What are the Deficiency Symptoms of vitamin D?

We suffer from a great loss due to vitamin D deficiency. There are prominent deficiency symptoms in our body. Here we will look into five deficiency symptoms of vitamin D.

1. Bone and Joint Pain

Vitamin D is an essential vitamin for bone and joint health. Vitamin D facilitates the absorption of calcium in the bones which is a major ingredient for bone mineral density. But when we suffer from vitamin D deficiency, ultimately our calcium absorption in the bones also gets affected resulting in weak bones and joints. Vitamin D deficiency not only causes the low absorption of calcium in bones but also increases the loss of already stored calcium in the bones which results in low bone mineral density.

2. Weak Immunity

Vitamin D plays an important role in boosting immunity. Vitamin D stimulates the production of antibodies and protects us from the harmful effects of foreign pathogens. Due to vitamin D deficiency, our immunity gets compromised and we may suffer from recurrent infections.   

3. Fatigue and Tiredness

An adequate amount of vitamin D is necessary for bone and joint strength. It also keeps us energetic and active all day. But due to vitamin D deficiency, we can’t accomplish our whole day’s tasks with great strength and efficacy. We become tired and feel joint pain even after minor activities.

4. Bone Loss and Bone Fractures

Vitamin D maintains bone mineral density by stimulating the absorption of other nutrients such as calcium and phosphorus into the bones. However, vitamin D deficiency causes bone mineral loss and put us at risk of bone fractures.

Severe deficiency of vitamin D can also cause osteoporosis & osteomalacia among adults, and rickets among children.

5. Irregulated Blood Sugar Levels Among Diabetic Patients

Vitamin D helps regulate blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity. However, vitamin D deficiency can differently yet adversely affect diabetic patients than normal people, because their blood sugar levels are already disturbed, and its deficiency can make the situation worse.

Who is at the Risk of Vitamin D Deficiency?

Here are some risk factors that put people at a greater risk of vitamin D deficiency than others. 

1. Age

Older adults are at higher risk of vitamin D deficiency because of their reduced ability to make vitamin D.  

2. Skin Color

High melanin levels in the skin result in less vitamin D formation because it protects the skin from the sunlight. This is the reason that darker skin people need to spend more time than lighter skin people to get the recommended amount of vitamin D.

3. Little or No Sun Exposure

Those people who don’t have sun exposure at all are more prone to become deficient in vitamin D regardless of their skin color. Because sunlight is the richest source to make activated vitamin D in the body.

How To Overcome Vitamin D Deficiency?

To overcome vitamin D deficiency, we need to expose our skin daily to sunlight for around 15-20 minutes in summer, and 20-30 minutes in winter or depending upon skin sensitivity between 11:00 AM to 3: 00 PM. Alongside, we must take vitamin D-rich foods to get a good amount of vitamin D. But if you’re diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency or at risk of it, make sure to consume good quality vitamin D supplements as well.   

Which Foods are Rich in Vitamin D?

Which Foods are Rich in Vitamin D

Fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines; cod liver oil, egg yolk, and beef liver are some rich food sources of vitamin D.  

Which are the Best Vitamin D Supplements?

Which are the Best Vitamin D Supplements

Nutrifactor’s Bonex-D, Jointin-D, Nuflex, and Suncell 5000 are the best vitamin D supplements that are available in Pakistan. These supplements contain a healthy amount of vitamin D particularly, Suncell 5000, which is efficient to help overcome vitamin D deficiency at a faster rate due to having a high amount of vitamin D. Vitamin D supplements provide the following benefits to our body. 

Benefits of Vitamin D Supplements:

•    Help stimulate calcium absorption in the bones

•    Help overcome the deficiency of vitamin D 

•    Help reduce joints pain and aches

•    Help regulate calcium and phosphorus levels in the body

•    Help reduce the risk of softening of bones

•    Help support a healthy immune system

•    May reduce the risk of osteoporosis

•    Promote strong bones and teeth









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