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Best Sleep Supplements – Sleep and Anxiety Supplements

Lack of proper sleep and increased anxiety have become the unwanted essentials of our society, and have also led to an increased use of sleeping pills in Pakistan. Several other therapeutic methods are also used; counseling, supplements, and other homemade remedies. But what are the factors that affect the sleep-wake cycle? And, what can be the best possible way of dealing with this issue?

Factors that can affect normal sleep:

1.    Stress, Anxiety and Depression

2.    Drug Abuse

3.    Too much intake of caffeinated drinks (coffee, tea, carbonated beverages)

4.    Unhealthy lifestyle (smoking, tobacco and alcohol consumption)

5.    Genetic factor (in rare cases)

How stress and disturbed sleep are related?

Stress increases the production of stress hormone “cortisol” in the body, which inhibits the activity of thyroid gland, ultimately lowering the metabolic rate. Slow metabolism means slow body functioning which also includes less production of melatonin and relaxing hormones in night. This is why, a depressed person may face sleeplessness at night.

It can work in the opposite way as well. A person who is not getting enough sleep a day, may face metabolic stress that can cause anxiety in that particular person. The reason behind this is that our body needs rest to perform normal functioning throughout the day, otherwise it will not be as efficient as it has to be and will get tired rapidly. And, this leads to stress and anxiety.

What ways can be used to overcome this issue?

Following methods are used across the world to deal with sleep disturbances and anxiety problems:

    Drugs and Supplement use

    Relaxing therapies

    Counseling sessions

    Antioxidant rich diet

Efficacy of the methods depend on the nature of the person who is under observation for the particular issue. Whereas the most quick and effective way of managing anxiety or stress is to balance the antioxidant concentration in the body, either through diet or through dietary supplements. 

Best sleep supplements to use:

Nutrifactor has manufactured different supplements to help in these conditions. Here are some effective dietary supplements that can help to overcome such issues:

1. Melatonin and Melatonix (Tablets)

These 2 supplements of Nutrifactor contain the natural form of “melatonin”, a sleep-inducing hormone produced by the brain. The best thing about these supplements is that both are non-habit forming, drug free sleep supplements.

2. Sleep Well (Tablets)

Nutrifactor’s Sleep Well is a dietary supplement that helps in inducing sleep and regulates mood swings, anxiety and stress conditions. This supplement contains sleep inducing herbs; Chamomile Flower Extract, Passion Flower Extract, and Valerian Root Extract, along with the melatonin. All these ingredients are helpful in managing anxiety and sleep problems.

3. Nuroton (Tablets)

This dietary supplement of Nutrifactor is non-habit forming and is composed of 5-HTP (5-hydroxytyptophan), Niacin (vitamin B3) and vitamin B6. This sleep supplement is helpful in the conditions of depression, anxiety and stress. 5-HTP is the precursor of serotonin (a relaxing hormone), which later on combines with vitamin B6 to form melatonin (sleep inducing hormone) in the body. Whereas Niacin is involved in the regulation of mood swings, anxiety and stress condition.

Although these supplements may help in improving the overall emotional health of a person, but it is always better to keep in check the normal routine of the life.


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