Why You Should Add Collagen Builders in Your Skincare Routine?
The three essentials for flawless skin are consistent skincare, a healthy diet, and the determination of a cat avoiding a bath—because sticking to a routine can be quite the challenge! Skincare routines have become the latest buzz in the beauty world. Its market is overflowing with options, ranging from the standard staples like serums, masks, and exfoliants to the more unusual ingredients like snail mucin. It makes me wonder: what’s next in this whimsical skincare world? Perhaps products like mermaid tears or unicorn sweat?
While the skincare industry is going bonkers with the new skincare ingredients, there are still some that you can trust. Collagen is one such ingredient. Collagen is a protein that serves as a primary structural component in various tissues throughout the body, including skin, bones, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. In humans, collagen comprises one-third of the total protein in the body.
It is well known that collagen is the secret beauty ingredient but what does it actually do for the skin?
Collagen enhances skin elasticity, reducing the likelihood of sagging or loose skin. It helps strengthen the epidermis (the outer layer of skin) and maintain its thickness. A study demonstrated that, after 12 weeks of oral collagen supplementation, there was a noticeable increase in epidermal density. Additionally, collagen contributes to a radiant, healthy glow in the skin.
Why should skincare products have all the collagen? Going with this mantra, Nutrifactor formulated its collagen supplement Nutri Collagen, with collagen type 1 and 3 so that glowing skin is easy to access.

While collagen gets all the limelight, what often goes unnoticed are collagen builders.
What are collagen builders?
These are nutrients like vitamin C, copper and zinc that help in the synthesis of collagen. Vitamin C is crucial for collagen synthesis as it is a cofactor for enzymes that hydroxylate proline and lysine, stabilizing the collagen structure. Additionally, its antioxidant properties protect collagen from oxidative damage, and it regulates the expression of genes involved in collagen production. Adequate vitamin C levels are crucial for effective wound healing and maintaining healthy skin, cartilage, and connective tissues.
You don’t have to rummage through countless Instagram pages and delve into the archives of numerous websites because Nutrifactor’s Extra-C has 500 mg of Vitamin C along with Rose hips extract. This combination makes Extra-C a worthwhile product for collagen synthesis and radiant skin.
